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Full-band Drone Detector interference equipment

From: Author: Release date:2024-04-02 Number of visits:16
Full-band Drone Detector interference equipment

1.1 product function

project name

technical requirement

Work frequency band


transmitting power


Power adaptability

Single-phase 220V ± 10% / (50Hz ± 5%)

Complete machine power consumption


interference distance

3km [dry pass ratio 10:1] [target model genie 4 V2.0]

Interference reaction time

Admito 10 seconds

Directional interference turning table

location: 0°~360°

pitch: 0°~30°

Transfer time (180°) is 18s

Direction precision is 0.2°

communication interface

The Ethernet 100 BASE-T












2   SUS03T60 Fixed jamming device installation and deployment

Select the deployment site outdoors and start the deployment equipment. Before equipment assembly and erection, first check the specifications and quantity of all parts and standard parts according to the equipment list points, and then assemble the parts according to the installation steps below.

2.1  SUS03T60 Fixed interference equipment and equipment erection

 Select a suitable site outdoors and set up a fixed interference equipment. Usually selected in the outdoor more open highland, or on the top of the building. It can be fixed by holding the pole, or fixed on the wall.

(1) Method 1, hold the pole fixed. Connect the radio processing unit to the bracket, and then fix it to the bracket or "T" bracket, and finally fix the bracket or "T" bracket on the ground.

(2) Method 2, to be fixed on the wall. Connect the radio processing unit to the bracket and fix it to the wall with expansion screws.

2.2 Power supply and network access

2.2.1  Network access

The FRI-200 fixed jamming device can be connected to the data processing unit through the TCP / IP interface by using the light or standard network cable. The data server must also be connected to the Internet.

2.2.2  Power access

1. Radio processing unit, 220V AC, can be accessed by fixed power supply or UPS. Reserve the 220V fixed power supply or deploy the UPS power supply at the deployment site.

2. The data processing unit can be accessed by fixed power supply or UPS.

After the network and power supply are connected, the data processing unit is started and the system starts the service.
